After recent events, The King of Kong: Fistfull of Quarters, is definitely worth a rewatch

For those that are out of the loop, people found out Billy Mitchell was cheating and editing his plays. He's lost all his records and been banned from the record world. It turned out there were some potential back door dealings with Twin Galaxies, the company that handles the majority of videogame records.

This all adds such a new demension to the movie. Now it's less about the rivialy and more about how Billy was cheating, avoiding in person matches and how his cult of crownies may of been working for him. Seriously. It makes the whole thing worth a rewatch becuase it even makes Steave Weebies story so much more tragic becuase his window to be champ has come and gone.

Sorry for any typos, I wanted to rusj write this one out on my phone before bed so I wouldn't forget to post later.

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