In Force Awakens the movie goes out of it's way to show how powerful Chewbacca's bowcaster is. Han comments on it and later borrows it. It is shown to blast two stormtroopers off their feet with ease.
Aside I always thought Han should have commented it was a new or upgraded weapon since Chewie has had the bowcaster for awhile.
Kylo gets hit with the bowcaster before:
Sprinting out past Rey and Finn
Force throwing Rey into a tree
Fighting Finn
Fighting Rey
Throughout the whole fight Kylo is beating his bleeding wound in order to keep himself pumped.
Kylo was specifically given orders to capture Rey and wasn't actually trying to kill her.
The message some people take away OMG Kylo lost to an amateur.
The message they should have taken Holy shit can you believe Kylo was still able to do all that after being hit with the bowcaster (the weapon the film went out of it's way to show was super powerful)
What other movie scenes are frequently misunderstood?