This article explains how to show different users (or group of users) the same graph, sliced by different dimensions. This functionality is useful when you are creating an enterprise-wide business intelligence deployment and want to use one view or dashboard to satisfy the needs of different departments.

For this example, senior managers need to see the graph shown here with customer segments in rows, and regional employees need to see regions in the rows. The basic view type is shown below; this is the regional employee view.

Create a calculated field
The ISMEMBEROF function returns the group that the user belongs to. You can use this function in a calculated field to decide which dimension is copied into the calculated field named "Swap Dimensions."
In this example, connect to the Superstore sample.
Step 1
From the Dimensions pane, drag Product - Department and Product - Category onto the Columns shelf and Customer Segment and Region onto the Rows shelf.
Step 2
From the Measures pane, drag Sales onto the Rows shelf, and drag Profit to Color.
Step 3
Select Analysis > Create Calculated Field.
Step 4
In the Calculated Field dialog box, make the following selections to create this calculation:
IF ISMEMBEROF("Senior Management") THEN [Customer Segment]
ELSE "Total Sales"
IF ISMEMBEROF("Senior Management") THEN [Customer Segment]
ELSE "Total Sales"
- In the Name text box, type Swap Dimensions.
- In the Functions list, double-click IF and ISMEMBEROF.
- Inside the parentheses, type "Senior Management."
- Click outside the closing parenthesis, space, type THEN , and space again.
- In the Fields list, double-click Customer Segment, space, type ELSEIF, and space again.
- In the Functions list, double-click ISMEMBEROF.
- Inside the parentheses, type "Sales."
- Click outside the closing parenthesis, space, type THEN and space again.
- In the Fields list, double-click Region, and then space.
- Type ELSE "Total Sales" END

Step 5
When finished, click OK.
Use the calculated field in your view
Step 1
Remove Region and Customer Segment from the Rows shelf; leave Sales in place on the Rows shelf.
Step 2
From the Dimensions pane, drag Swap Dimensions to the Rows shelf.
Step 3
Select Server > Log On.
Step 4
In the Tableau Server Login dialog box, type your Tableau Server address, your username, and your password. Click OK.

Notice that your name now appears in the lower right corner of the Tableau window, just above the system tray.

Step 5
Select a user from this list who is a member of the Senior Management group. If such a group does not exist in Tableau Server, you can create it. You can find directions for creating a group in the Help.
Step 6
When you are satisfied with the results, select Server > Publish Workbook.
Step 7
In the Publish Workbook to Tableau Server dialog box, under View Permissions, select Add.

Step 8
In the Add/Edit Permissions dialog box, under User/Group, select Senior Management, and then click Apply.

Step 9
Select Sales and then click Apply.
Step 10
When finished, click OK.
Both groups now appear in the User/Group list in the Publish Workbook to Tableau Server dialog box.
You added them as viewers, which means that they can see the workbook, but cannot edit it.
You added them as viewers, which means that they can see the workbook, but cannot edit it.
Step 11
Under Options, in the Generate Thumbnails As User list, select Sales.
For additional security, select Sales or no view for the thumbnail view.

Step 12
Click Publish.