Resolving "Error sending crosstab to Excel" Error in Tableau

When exporting your text table from Tableau Desktop to Microsoft Excel using the Crosstab to Excel option, you may see an “Error sending crosstab to Excel” error message. This error message displays for one of the following reasons:
  • Excel is not installed: You do not have Excel installed on your machine.
When using the Crosstab to Excel command, Tableau will automatically launch and paste a crosstab version of the current view in Excel. To export your view using the Crosstab to Excel option, Excel is required. If you do not have Excel, consider other export options.  
  • Insufficient memory to export marks: Your machine has insufficient memory to export all the marks to Excel. Because each mark in the view corresponds to values in the underlying data, exporting a large crosstab to Excel that contains many marks can quickly exhaust memory.
If you are experiencing memory related issues, you may also see other memory related errors while working with your workbook. For more information about memory related issues and potential solutions, refer to the Out of Memory Errors in Tableau Desktop article.