Designing Tips For Good Homepage

Designing Tips to Have a Good Homepage

Homepage is the first thing visible to you when you open up a website. Therefore, homepage should be designed in such a manner that it attracts the audience and also bound the visitors to stay on the site for some time. How can you know which website is good and which is bad before browsing through it? It is the homepage which gives an idea about the organization.
Do you know a well designed homepage can create trust on the minds of the viewers regarding the concerned organization? When you are using a website for online business, a meticulously designed homepage can draw in new customers and traffic. In contrast, a shoddy homepage can even turn off the potential customers instead of bringing in new ones. Hence, it is crucial to have a well designed homepage.
Homepage Design Tips
Ideas to Get the Best Homepage

 Make It Simple

Have you ever thought why you are so much addicted to Google? Is it only because it can provide you instant information on various topics? Well, this is truly one of the reasons why Google is so popular amongst the users but there is also another reason – it is the simple design of the homepage that fascinates the users. Looking at the Google homepage, what you find is a search box and some links, yet you get all the things you desire from this.
Thus, it is clear that “beauty lies in simplicity”! The more user-friendly and simple your homepage is, more positive response you can expect from the users. Most of the web designers tend to employ numerous functionalities and graphics on a homepage. The end result is that the visitor gets confused with the page and loses its track. Therefore, designers should focus in creating a simple but functional homepage.

 Well Distribution of Contents

Often you will come across a homepage having large graphics in the prime position of the page and all the important contents are cluttered across the page. Such poorly designed website can never fetch a positive feedback from the visitors. Therefore, while designing a website or a homepage for that matter, make sure that you distribute the entire content meticulously in the page. In other words, there should be a perfect balance between the graphics and the contents on a web page.

 Give an Ideal Tagline

All the visitors of your website do not know what your business is. In most cases, visitors land up to your website by searching for something. Therefore, to make everyone understand your business, you should provide one suitable tagline to your homepage, that can precisely explain your business. Including a tagline is a must for those whose website says nothing about the business.

 Emphasize on Essential Tasks

A website can be very successful, if it is capable of satisfying the needs of the users. Thus, if your webpage is designed in a manner that can offer all sorts of information to the visitors as soon as they navigate through it, nothing can be better than that. Visitors will like to come back to your site again and again. If your site is meant for performing some action, then you should highlight that task on the homepage. Priority matters when you are designing the site.

 Make It Easily Navigable

A homepage which enables you to get easy access to its site contents and offers fast navigation through the contents is truly the best homepage you have. Every visitor doesn’t know which content lies on which page; they have search for it. So, to make their searching easier, it is good to provide them with a site map of your website. Exploring the site becomes very easy and quick for the visitor. Once he sees the sitemap, he instantly knows where he will find his relevant information.

 Give a Search Box

It is a trend amongst the visitors to look for a search box on a webpage for entering their queries. For this reason, you must provide a search box where visitors can enter 25 characters at least. Also, ensure that this box actually works.

 Optimum Usage of Links

Links, indeed, are the major action items you can have on a homepage. When anyone visits a homepage, he invariably looks for the relevant links. Therefore, you should add links with proper keywords in it. Every link starting with the company’s name is a ridiculous idea. Instead your link should help the user locate what he wants.

 Meaningful Usage of Graphics

Image is certainly more effective expression than words. It is essential to include meaning images and graphics to the homepage. Unnecessary addition of images and photos to the homepage only mess up the website and does not good to the visitors. Rather the visitors get confused while browsing your homepage. A great homepage is one which inserts only those images which the user needs.