What is Article Marketing? Best Tips for Article Marketing

Article Marketing

What is article marketing, this question haunts a lot of new internet marketer for starters but it shouldn’t as it’s just a form of internet marketing done to try and sell your products to people, it was said few years back that article marketing is dead or it just doesn’t work anymore but it’s  not true, remember when people started to say that SEO (Search engine optimization) is dead, it was a lie as well obviously, if you can’t do it doesn’t mean no one can.
Article Marketing
Before we go further let’s a little deep in “What Article Marketing Is” first you should know that we aren’t talking about traditional article marketing we’re talking about online article marketing here.

 What Is Article Marketing?

As said earlier it is a form of internet marketing used to promote and hopefully sell your product to the people who are wanting it, there are few types of article marketing like blog post, directory submission, press release etc., it helps you build reputation in market and attract more buyers for your business. one of the beauty of article marketing is Investing Money isn’t a must (but you can if you want instant result), you just have to be fluent with alphabets and should have the ability to write high quality attracting and share able content.
Benefits Of Article Marketing 
Well there are more than 1 benefits of article marketing,  some of them are listed below.

Get Fresh Eyeballs On Your Content

Hold on, I didn’t mean literally, what I meant was that when doing article marketing you can get new people to read your content and it can help you build awareness about your product, about you, about your services and what not, you can get more loyal reads and customers, you can get more views to your site via doing it as well.

Increase Your Visibility On Google And Other Search Engines

One of the golden rule in Search engine optimization is create more and more and guess what? More backlinks to your site but keeping in mind they come from relevant and high quality websites. article directories are essential part of article marketing and directories like Ezine aritlce, have super high PR (Page rank) DA (Domain authority) and huge reader base, and  the best things about these kind of sites are they give key worded do-follow backlink(s) to your site, and it’s basic SEO that getting a do follow (especially keyworded) backlinks from HIGH PR Authority sites to your site is the right and ethical practice of SEO.
Increase Search Engine Traffic

Get More Traffic

Not only it’s good for organic search engine traffic but it’s also an awesome tactic to get referral traffic from sites you submitted your article, let’s take article directories again for instance, these sites get millions of visitors per month and these visitors are thirty for a good period of reading and you can cash in on this opportunity by making a content so good that you build a trust at level of when they’ll follow you wherever and whenever you tell them (in most cases to your product), if you content is good people will share it on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, they’ll bookmark it on sites like Reddit, StumbleUpon, Digg,it , and we all know the power of social media don’t we.

Conclusion :-

In this article we mainly focused on changing your mindset about What is Article marketing and telling you it’s not dead, and there are countless other benefits of article marketing as well, it’s old yet really effective SEO technique that is being used by a lot of people and it’s working quite well for them, so if it’s working for them it should work for you, share this article, close this tab open a notepad and start writing your masterpiece, and I really think that the question “ What is article marketing” doesn’t haunt you now.


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