Top 10 Amazing Facts That You Probably Didn’t Know About Humans


Its short, quick and probably mind-boggling! Some amazing facts about ourselves that can be food for our thoughts.

1. It takes 1/5th of a second to fall in love!

So next time before judging people who get into relationships quickly keep this in mind!

2. Frowning burns more calories than smiling.

A new way to shed some of those extra kilos,eh?

3. Women speak upto 20,000 words while men can speak upto 7000 words.

Finally, the mystery of a woman blabbering has been solved! Its natural guys,chill!

4. About 65 billion neutrinos pass through your fingernails in a second

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Well thats something!

5. Lifespan of a taste bud is about ten days.

You probably will remember all the yummy cuisines for more than 10 days!

6. And what more, just like fingerprint,everybody’s tongue print is different!

Now thats something for the Forensic Department… A double check on the ID…cool!

7. The human mind can maintain upto 150 social relationships.

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My god! No wonder people today have relationships lasting at max from the day after Valentine’s Day till the day before Valentine’s Day!

8. Humans have no sense of smell while sleeping.

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Going to sneak into the kitchen for a mid night snack? Well now do it without sneaking!

9. Most of the time people who try to cheer others are unhappy themselves

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They might be the ones who need help more than you!

10. When you cry,if the first drop of tear is from the right eye then it is tears of joy else its pain.

Be careful the next time you lie about whether you are happy or sad.

11. Our brain can generate around 23 watt of power which is enough to light a bulb!

Ok , so the got-an-idea symbol has whole other level to it.