Shah Rukh Khan's palatial residence located in suburban Mumbai called 'Mannat' was trending a couple of days back and that too at a time when he is away in Bulgaria, shooting for his upcoming film Dilwale. Readers may be aware that the reason for 'Mannat' to be trending was because of the mysterious graffitis that were spotted on its compound walls, which said (read 'sprayed') 'Luv U SRK' and 'C U on 15', apparently signed 'Gaurav'.
Even though Shah Rukh Khan tweeted "U can't leave ur house for a day without sum one messing with it!! Shocked", we, at Bollywood Hungama feel that all of this could just be a marketing strategy adopted by the 'marketing whiz kid' aka Shah Rukh Khan along with YRF. If one had to decode the sprayed graffitis, one could possibly arrive at the following conclusions: 'C U on 15' means that the release date of Fan is April 15, 'Luv U SRK' because Shah Rukh Khan plays himself in the film and 'Gaurav' should be the name of the 'fan' played by Shah Rukh Khan!