She was born in a film family, but Rani Mukerji made it big on her own terms in Bollywood. Exploring versatile characters, Rani Mukerji has given masterpieces like Black and Saathiya and is now back to claim her throne. The actress, who was last seen in Mardaani, features on the cover of the latest edition of Vogue.
Rani Mukerji, shedding her traditional avatar that she often sports during public appearances, is seen on the Vogue cover in a pretty Dolce & Gabbana floral outfit with a jacket. Berry lips, wavy hair and eyeliner complete this no accessories avatar. Aptly titled as the 'Ageless Issue', the magazine features an interview with the actress that covers her journey of two decades in Bollywood and all the inside scoops about her 'fairy-tale' wedding to Yash Raj Head Honcho Aditya Chopra in 'The Reign Of Rani'.
Also, the magazine once again takes you back to the happenings of Vogue Awards 2015 and provides some tips to women, to maintain their ageless beauty.