Yesterday veteran actor Rishi Kapoor took to twitter to wish his D-Day costar Huma Qureshi a very happy birthday. However, the actor's message that read, "Happy Happy Birthday dear Huma Qureshi. God Bless!" also included a creative that wasn't taken lightly on the social platform.
In fact, a host of twitter users lashed back at Rishi Kapoor for the image that read, "The more you weigh, the harder you are to kidnap.. Stay safe.. Eat cake!" stating that it was in rather bad taste. Following the comments that flooded him, Rishi Kapoor, who usually takes criticism head on, quickly deleted the post. Later apologizing for hurting any sentiments and explaining his reason behind posting the creative birthday wish, Rishi posted, "Apology. It was my personal joke with Huma on her birthday. If people took umbrage to it and some abused me just for the sake of it, I retract the same."
Simultaneous on her part birthday girl Huma Qureshi who took the jibe for the joke it was meant to be posted, "Thank you to one of my fave costars the ever amazing - Rishi Kapoor for b-day wishes and love.. Guys, it was a joke ... take a chill pill yaar."