Kareena and Arjun Kapoor starrer titled Ki And Ka

R. Balki's films have always been given unique titles. Whether it was his directorial debut Cheeni Kum or his most recent film Shamitabh, each time he announces the title of his film there is an immediate curiosity and a myriad questions to their meaning relevance and validity.

But even by his known track record of unexpected titles Balki's next directorial venture's title will take your breath away.

The director has named his next film Ki And Ka.

Now before everyone asks what it means, here's the director Balki himself with the explanation. "Ki And Ka ...that's the short form for Ladki And Ladka."

The film stars Kareena Kapoor Khan as a working wife and Arjun Kapoor as a house husband. Hence the title on the gender difference.

Says Balki, "Ki And Ka exist only in Hindi. In no other language is the gender spelt out in this way. That's why I thought of the unique title."

Hopefully, the film will be just as unique.