Vir Das, who started off as a comedian, is now a renowned actor as well as a musician. The actor, for the first time will be seen in a serious role opposite Soha Ali Khan in Shivaji Lotan Patilâs directorial 31st October.
Here is a look of the actor in the Sikh avatar that he will be sporting in the film. Considering the character Vir will be playing, a beard is a must. However, the actor decided to grow a beard despite being given an option to sport a fake one. We hear that he apparently refused to do so to maintain the authenticity. A source says, âVir grew and maintained his beard especially for this role so that he fits the role of a Sikh. He also learnt Punjabi from a diction coach and read about the Sikh culture.â
31st October is an edge-of-the-seat thriller based on the aftermath of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhiâs assassination. Written and produced by Harry Sachdeva under the banner Magical Dreams Productions Pvt Ltd, the film also stars Daya Shanker Pandey, Vineet Sharma, Deepraj Rana, Raj Saluja, Nagesh Bhonsle and Sezal Sharma