The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you saw last week. It doesn't have to be a new release, just any film you have seen over the last seven days that you feel is worth talking about. Here are some rules.
1. Check to see if your favourite film of last week has been posted already. If so, please reply to that comment instead of making a new thread.
2. Please post your favourite film of last week.
4. ALWAYS use spoiler tags. Report any comments that spoil recent / little-known films (e.g. Rogue One, La La Land, Split) without using the spoiler tag.
5. Comments that only contain the title of the film will be removed!
Here are some examples of good comments from last week's thread:
Moonlight is a tour de force through a life that's been scarred by fears and traumas, but Jenkins knows that it can be rebuilt. As a director, he challenges us. Lots of moments have the characters looking straight at the camera, sometimes to throw the spectator into the complete turmoil of Chiron, and sometimes to simply confide in us all of the anger and sadness contained in the character. That's not all Jenkins does. He often films the back of his characters, as if to symbolize the weight of the outside world and the characters' decisions cathcing up to them. During a very brief moment in the third act, we get a glimpse of love in Chiron's life, shared once again by Kevin, after succeeding in making his friend open up to him completely. It's a small and intimate moment, the one jenkins' chose to close his film. Much, much more to say about this, but much much more has already been said as well. It's a fantastic film that works both as a character study, as a study of our society, and as a coming-of-age drama that succeeds in every way possible. It's the kind of movie we need, it's an important statement made by a filmmaker that has showed amazing potential.
Raiders of the Lost Ark - All of the Indiana Jones movies are on Amazon Instant Video now and I've been taking advantage. I loved these movies as a kid and they are still such a treat as an adult. The sense of adventure, dashes of humor, and great action is what makes Indy so much fun. Harrison Ford is basically perfect and the surrounding cast fits the atmosphere and movie just right. I'm currently on Temple of Doom and really looking forward to Last Crusade. If you haven't seen these films before or haven't seen them in years, definitely take the time to revisit them. Just straight out fun stuff!
The Drop with Tom Hardy - I'm surprised this one didn't get more attention, but then again 2014 was pretty insane year for cinema. I thought it was relatively unique for a crime movie; with an interesting low key set up over something bombastic and indulgent in it's violence and gore. All the actors are fantastic and its a testament to Hardy's range as an actor, Bob is NOTHING like a usual tough guy Hardy character, he's awkward and anxious and quiet all kept to himself with a good heart, but with just the hint of something dangerous underneath it all. Shout out to the late Tony Soprano for one last great performance and Noomi Rapace, excited to see her again with Hardy in Taboo. Loved the twist [didn't watch the trailer that apparently spoiled it lmao] and the cinematography pulled it all together. Just a great damn movie.
For further expansion of the rules, please read this link.
Have fun and play nice!
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