I was thinking about it and I'm a bit bummed/perplexed why we haven't really gotten any great fantasy movies made within the past 8-9 year or so.
I thought 2000-2009 was a great decade for fantasy movies. You had all 3 LOTR obviously, Stardust, Avatar, Pan's Labyrinth, 300, Shrek, and actual good Pirates of the Caribbean movies.
I thought that 2010-2020 would bring about a similar amount of awesome fantasy movies as CGI progressed.
However, since 2009 we haven't had many good fantasy/adventure movies imo. The only ones really are Mad Max and Cloud Atlas. If I have missed some please let me know, but it just seems underwhelming. 2009 also really marks the significant rise of Marvel and DC movies taking over the box office as the main eventers. Is this just a coincidence? Do you think the resources that perhaps would have gone to new fantasy movies are going to super hero movies?
What do you guys think?