Any movies based off books that perfectly capture the essence of what you imagined while reading?

A lot of movies do a great job bringing a book to the big screen, but usually it doesnt really match up with what i imagine during reading - movies spend a lot of time coming up with coherent aesthetics and character designs inspired by sources that i dont even know of, while my brain during reading just supplies me with vague snapshots based off my memories. That said, theres also some movies that seem to have read my mind...

While randomly zapping through tv channels, i landed in the middle of Ender's Game, and despite only reading half the book and never watching any clips from the movie, i immediately recognized what it was... The scenes in the training chambers look just like what i had in mind.

Another example would be when i saw Dreamcatcher... I swear i never watched the movie before, and definitely not before reading the book, but it was absolutely eerie how similar all the scenes in the wood house were to how i always pictured them when reading. Like the color schemes, how it was furnished, the way people looked...

Any movies where you had that experience?

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