I rarely find movies that I love to rewatch, but Gladiator (2000) absolutely entertains ~20 years later.

Everything about this film is fantastic.

R Crowe: "Gladiator" (Maximus)
J Phoenix: Commodus (The Big Bag Evil Guy)

The pacing of the film suffers a bit during the late 2nd and early 3rd act, but in general it delivers pure action, drama, and excitement from A1->A3. The payoff is one that I'll forever remember watching in a theatre.

The only downside to this film is excessive hands through wheat. I'll fight any man woman or child who argues otherwise. This film delivers on every single front and is one of those rare films from the ~2000 era that stands the test of time thanks to a solid script and no ugly SFX (they stand out now, but only barely as they're very wide shots of the Colosseum).

I've watched this film 50+ times (caveat: portions of it, I mostly rewatch acts 1, 2.5, and 3.5) and I am still entertained

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