The Hateful Eight extended version, has been re-edited into a 4 episode miniseries with 45 minutes of new footage

Unintentionally Misleading title, please read whole post

As the title says, this has now debuted on N etflix. Taratino has re-edited it into a 4 episode miniseries. Glanced through it quickly, and the narration that he does is now towards the beginning of episode 3 rather than randomly being halfway through the film, which honestly makes it much better imo. Hopefully this will someday get a release on digital & bluray, so we don't have to lose it when Netflix does.

Edit: Note, this is actually different from the Roadshow Edition, this marks the 3rd cut of the film.

Edit 2: Appears to be U.S. Netflix only.

Edit 3: Vast majority of the 45 minutes is just extra opening & closing credits, with a few extra deleted scenes (such as the Chicken Plucking scene) from the Roadhouse Edition included, as pointed out by u/foureyedinabox . Basically the theatrical cut split into episodes, with 2 or 3 extra scenes. Not actually 45 minutes, closer to 2-10 minutes of new footage. Apologies if I misled anyone, I haven't seen it yet and was comparing the running times of the theatrical to the episodes, without accounting for credits, since N etflix advertised it as an Extended Cut.

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