Under the Skin (2013) starring Scarlett Johansson is one of the most stressful, uncomfortable yet beautifully shot movies I've ever seen and I want to talk about it!

I just saw it last night for the first time with my bf, he chose it and I had no clue what it was going to be about.

And wow. I was blown away. I was uncomfortable during most of it for a reason I couldn't quite put my finger on.. perhaps it was the lack of dialogue or explanation for anything? Or maybe it was the director/cinematographers filming style.. it was POV/hidden camera for a lot of it. But then he also mixed just filming random street scenes and at the end captured beautiful nature scenes including falling snow.

The whole film just really stuck with me and I went to bed feeling really.. weird. This hasn't happened to me since I watched Hereditary!

Have you seen it? What did you think? Love it or hate it? It got a 6.3 on IMDB.

Edit; This IMDB review really nailed it on the head and is worth the read: https://www.imdb.com/review/rw3166696/?ref_=tt_urv

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