Is there a more gut punching ending to a film than 'The Mist'(2007)?

Its 13 years old now, and I still cant think of an ending to a film that fucked its main character harder. The kid waking up, the view moving to outside the car. The gun shots lighting up the cabin of the car. Then the anguish of David Drayton as feels every raw emotion sitting in the car having killed 4 people including his young son in order to save them from a horrible death. He gets out the car and screams for the monsters to come and save him from his pain. These things that he had spend the movie trying to escape, now offering him his only escape from the pain of living. The rumble of something approaches. He prepares himself for his end, hopeful it will be quick. The mist parts bringing into view, not the saving that he wanted so desperately from a monster but something much, much worse. An army convey beating the monsters backs and taking people to safety.

He falls to his knees, his pain made a million fold. If only they had waited just a little longer, the thought that will kill him for the rest of his life.

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