In other words, what's the movie that a lot of Redditors commonly called overrated, but then you watched it and were like "Nah, fam, they were right, ya'll crazy".
For me, I for YEARS avoided the Frozen movies. Especially the first one. It was everywhere. Toys, books, costumes, radio, songs, etc. I couldn't stand it. I was deployed overseas at the time so I didn't get a chance to see it in theaters, so I came back home to literally Frozen mania. And I hated it. I did the typical "I'm not watching that trash" stuff people do when they want to hate on something A)Popular or B) they haven't seen.
So, it comes out on Disney+ and I was forced to group watch both films back-to-back. Now, I see EXACTLY why these movies entered pop culture. I was enthralled from start to finish. Caught myself even humming the songs after the damn movie was over weeks later. This is 2021. I couldn't even imagine how I would've reacted back in 2013, haha.
"All is Found" is probably my favorite song and gosh darn does it need more love. The moment they played that song, Frozen 2 could do no wrong.
Moral of the story: pop culture phenomena are VERY rarely accidents.