Why do actors in direct-to-tv movies deliver their dialog in such a weird way?

I watched the movie "Mother of the Bride" yesterday on Netflix. It isn't a very good movie and it had all the visual characteristics of a DTV movie (different shot framing, not many actors/extras, small sets, etc) but the way they deliver the dialog left me wondering why they do it that way.

I've seen other DTV movies with not very well known actors and I always thought it is that maybe they werent very good, but in this movie you got Miranda Cosgrove, Brooke Shields, and Benjamin Pratt in it. I've seen them in other productions and, they're no Leo DiCaprio but they are good actors.

In this movie, however, every line they deliver sounds like they stopped in the middle of a sentence and they rarely speak more than 1 or 2 lines in a row.

Is there a reason for this or is it just that the script is terrible and the performers just don't care?

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