Okay, look… D&D: Honor Among Thieves is amazing

I don’t play DnD, and I’m not a huge Chris Pine fan (or at all) but here’s what’s doing it for me in this movie:

1) A badass female who loves potatoes as much as I do (does Michelle Rodrigues EVER consider other kinds of roles? Not that I want her to.)

2) Great lines delivered exceptionally well and with perfect timing by Mr. CP.

3) A fat dragon.

4) Above average special effects, with the exception of one potato-throwing scene.

5) Running joke about magic that echoes what I always think, but doesn’t drag on past its usefulness.

6) A complex plot that’s clear enough not to feel complicated.

7) An ending I should have seen coming but still made me cry. YES it’s okay to cry over a fat dragon movie, although the fat dragon didn’t make me cry and only featured in one of the quests.

I look forward to all the comments agreeing with me.

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