1. Find it annoying to prepare a boiled egg because the egg shell doesn’t come off easily? Try this.
2. Yummmmmmm!!!! A way to get all that nutella out of the jar.
3. A lot less messy…seriously!
4. Snoring..Ugh! Can ruin your sleep.
5. Don’t need to wait for long for those delicious meals.
6. An easier way to quit smoking. It is lot less expensive than paying for lung cancer and other diseases guys.
7. Wow! Here’s a nice one for the ladies.
8. Thank God! Relief to our fingers.
9. Yes, no flies! 
10. A must try for girls
11. I guess this one is a must try for boys and those whose phones are always with kids.
12. Will save your time and energy while ghetting ready to go out.
13. Now, that’s a very useful tip for winters. This will save our body from shaking and getting all wet in extremely hot or cold water.
14. Again…Snoring. Just get rid of it!
15. Now you know why you aren’t able to sleep early.
16. Just what you need when guests are on their way to your new house.
17. Relief to our palms.
18. And last but not the least… 
Did you find these life hacks time saving? Tell us in the comment section and do share the article with your friends.