Do you think obsessive speculation and over-analysing Star Wars movies before they come out is pretty much just asking to be disappointed?

I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but I've noticed that people who are, seem to make mountains out of molehills with every new piece of info regarding Disney's new Star Wars films. Going through every trailer frame-by-frame with a fine tooth comb, dissecting every line and shot, and endlessly theorising about story threads, unanswered questions, potential deaths, or resurrections, how every character is related to each other, how everything and anything is connected to something else.

Here's the thing: When did Star Wars become some anything more than just fun light-heated space adventure flicks?

As a normie, I don't even watch the trailers. It's Star Wars. I know what to expect - a fun space adventure. And every time I go see them, I get exactly that, and I enjoy myself. I didn't love the Last Jedi, but the internet made it sound like it was some sort of Transformers-level disaster of a motion picture.

If you hate these movies, that's totally fine. But the marketing for these movies is deliberately misleading and vague. They want you to be surprised by the story. I can't shake the feeling that maybe people would enjoy these movies more if they didn't try to decipher every plot point before hand, only to be gravely mistaken and dissapointed while watching the movie.

In my opinion, a lot of the criticisms are fair, but a lot of it just sounds like people taking a Star Wars, a series that is very silly and not meant to be taken super seriously, way too fucking seriously.

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