Sicario is one of the most intense movies I have ever seen.

Like holy shit. Brilliant movie. The opening scene immediately sets the tone for what we are geared up for for the next 2 hours. Dark, serious and gritty.

The border scene. The feeling of unease, we know something is about to happen. The lack of music and the build up. A dog barks which just cements the atmosphere. Even the dog knew shit was going down and all was not good. When shit finally gets real, quick but brutal and the efficiency of the characters.

And then, one of the best pieces of acting I have ever seen in my 24 years. The dinner table scene where he meets the man responsible for the death of his family. I can actually remember the atmosphere in the cinema during this scene, said it all. The lack of music makes it very realistic. Benecio Del Toro's casual yet seething demeanor. "Time to meet God." If that didn't make you think "HOLY FUCK" I don't know what would.

One of the best movies I have ever seen, if you haven't watched it yet you need to.

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