I know this one came out a while ago now but I watched it for the first time a few months ago and I felt the need to start a conversation about Pattinson’s incredible portrayal of Connie.
It’s that blank stare on his face that he maintains for a big portion of the movie. If you google still shots from Good Time, you’ll see it right away. He has this look on his face as if he is mentally removed from the reality of his situation and everyone in it. Connie has such tunnel vision, going from one place to the next using people as an ends to a mean that when he looks at people (other than his brother, who Benny Safdie did a great job playing) it’s as if he doesn’t even see them as people. In the “I’m better than you” scene, this takes a real shape.
There are many reasons I loved Pattinson in this role but the emotionless expression is a big one