Which item would you take into the vertical prison? ‘The Platform’

With ‘The Platform 2’ being days away it got me thinking what are some items y’all would bring? For those who haven't seen 'The Platform,' it's set in a vertical prison where inmates are on different levels. A platform with food starts at the top level and descends, stopping briefly at each level. Those on the upper levels get first pick, while those below get whatever is left, if anything. Each inmate is moved to a different random level every 30 days. You could be on level 4 one month, and level 250 the next… Each inmate can bring one item with them. What would you choose to bring and why? Examples could include a knife for protection, a book to stay sane, a rope to move between levels, or even a water purifier. Some guy even had a whole ass surf board. Pretty sure you can’t bring any food cuz even if you take some food to keep off the platform, they crank the temp on your level in either direction until you either freeze or burn to death. I’m not completely sure about guns.. like if rounds would be included. I assume not. Also keep in mind you have a roommate on your level and he/she can kill you if they want. From what I’ve seen you can do whatever tf you want in this prison.

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