Anyone else love the 1960 version of the Time Machine?

This is my favorite movie. I used to watch it so much as a kid. It was the movie I put in when I was sick and stayed home from school. I know every line to this movie. This movie was ahead of its time. It was in color and even had good visual affects. I remember how they showed things and a morlock decay as he traveled forward in time. I had a hard time with the beginning as a kid as it started out slow. I usually forwarded through that part. Now I enjoy the whole movie being much older at age 36. Let me know your thoughts on this movie? Is it at least in your top 50-100 movies? What did you like about this movie? When was the last time you watched it? I don’t watch it all the time but on occasions when I want to relive my childhood and quote the movie of course. Especially the parts with the talking rings and when he says the morlocks were cannibals! lol

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