Export Options in Tableau Desktop (How to export views and data in Tableau)

You can export views and data in the following ways:
This article provides an overview of these formats, along with additional notes and links to more comprehensive information.

Export an image

You can export the view in the current worksheet or dashboard as an image file. The following formats are supported:
  • BMP
  • JPG
  • PNG
  • EMF (Windows only)
When exporting a view as an image, you can include additional worksheet components such as the title, view, and caption, and more. However, if you want to paste the image directly into the document of another open application, such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft PowerPoint, without having to save it as a standalone file, copy the image instead of exporting it by selecting Worksheet > Copy > Image.
Exporting high resolution images
Of the supported image formats listed above, both the PNG and EMF format types offer the highest resolution and most flexibility for image resizing. Keep in mind, the size of the worksheet or dashboard does affect image resolution. Increasing the size of the worksheet or dashboard increases the size of the exported image.

Export to Microsoft Access data

You can export a selection or the entire view to Access MDB format. Optionally, you can have your current workbook automatically open a data connection to this subset of data.

Export a crosstab to Excel

This creates a textual, crosstab representation of your view. Excel opens automatically and the data is pasted into an Excel worksheet. Dimensions with multiple child rows export with their cells merged.
If you use a different spreadsheet program, you can export a flat format style: Select Worksheet > Copy > Crosstab, and then paste the data into the spreadsheet.

Export to a Tableau packaged workbook

Saving your workbook as a packaged workbook includes the data source used for the view. This is an ideal choice in the following situations:
  • Your intended audience uses Tableau Reader.
  • You want to develop your Tableau workbook further offline.
For file-based data sources such as Access, Excel, CSV, and delimited files, a copy of the file is saved within the TWBX file. To expose the data source file, right-click the packaged workbook in Windows Explorer and select Unpackage.
For data sources that run on a remote server, you need extract the data in Tableau before packaging the workbook if the audience uses Tableau Reader, is offline, or does not have access to the data source.

Additional notes

When you export Data or Crosstab to Excel, only the values shown in the view are exported. The underlying data—that is, the raw data returned by the data connection query—is not exported.
For complete steps for how to complete the various export options, see the following topics in the Tableau Desktop Help: