How to Auto Refresh an Embedded View Using Meta Refresh in Tableau

Refreshing the data in an embedded view can be done automatically. This article describes how to embed a Tableau view into your web page and set the view to refresh every 30 seconds.

Step 1 

Publish the Tableau view and copy the URL from the share button.
If your view is published already, navigate to it and copy the URL.
Note:If a hash symbol (#) and number, or a ":iid=" appear at the end of the URL, do not include those characters. For example, in the following URL, you would not copy the #3 characters:

Step 2 

Create a new web page or open an existing one in which you want to embed the view. Display the page in the text view.
If you’re creating a new page, here is an example of a standard format for a basic HTML document:

Nifty embedded Tableau view that refreshes automatically

Step 3 

Insert an iframe between the body tags and configure it as follows:
  • Use the URL that you copied in Step 1 as the target of the iframe.
  • Include any URL parameters for the view. In this example: ?:embed=yes&:refresh=yes. Here, ":embed=yes" removes the Tableau Server user interface from the view, and ":refresh=yes" prevents Tableau Server from using the cache and ensures that new data is always shown.
  • (Optional) Customize the text that appears when users’ browsers cannot display iframe content.

Step 4 

In the head section of the HTML document, add a meta tag with http-equiv and content attributes to set the refresh rate to 30 seconds.
The following code shows the complete web page.

Nifty embedded Tableau view that refreshes automatically