How To Start A SEO Campaign For Your New Blog or Website

Summary: To start a SEO Campaign for your blog, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. On site optimization, content, social media, guest blogging and the like are the elements that help in running a successful SEO campaign.
SEO Campaign

Step By Step Guide for SEO Campaign

SEO or search engine optimization can be really confusing for a new entrepreneur or blogger. For any startup blog or website, it is therefore important to have a foolproof SEO campaign. As customers turn to search engine giants to look for different products and services, positioning your blog or site higher in the search results can prove to be very beneficial. SEO involves improving the elements on your blog as well as increasing inbound links so as to raise its overall ranking in the search results.

On-site optimization: a prerequisite

Quality on site optimization is the heart and soul of every SEO campaign. Actually, “on site” refers to optimization which takes place on your blog or site. There are in fact a number of things involved in on-site SEO and you need to pay proper attention to them in order to run a successful SEO campaign. These on-site SEO elements include page title, adding quality content, website architecture, image optimization, meta description and keyword tags and the use of link title tags.

Content is the king

Content King
After on-site optimization, you should make sure that you update your blog on a regular basis with fresh, quality and useful content. You can also assign some staff to post the content on your blog or do it yourself, keeping your target on the main keywords. Managing the blog is very important if you want to be successful.

Do a thorough keyword research:

Keywords play a pivotal role in every successful SEO campaign. There are indeed a number of tools that help in the best of keyword research analysis. Google keyword tool is the basic one where you can find many keywords related to your business and so, you can use them in your content strategy. Then, the search queries of Google Webmaster tools offer useful details about your blog’s performance in Google Search. This way, you can see which all keywords generate traffic for you as well as the position of every keyword in search results.

Guest Blogging for natural linking

Then, look out for guest blogging or posting opportunities. Try to guest post on the industry or niche related blogs and sites which receive much traffic. This will help in more exposure of your blog. Not just guest blogging will help other sites noticing your blog, they might even be interested in linking back to your blog. This is the kind of natural link building which Google simply loves. You may also choose Guest Posting Service if you are unable to find good blogs for guest posting or you don’t have much time for that.

Local SEO is the key

Further, work on your local SEO. Most companies or businesses have a blog and site to promote their services and products in local market and so, for that they need local SEO. Things such as Google+ for business and Google maps will generate great amount of exposure for your blog from the local market.

Linking through social media

Social Media Linking
After creating your blog and incorporating the SEO techniques and tools, it is time to make friends and gel up with others through social media. Introduce your business through the popular social networking platforms and start building business relationships. Social media has become a part and parcel of every SEO campaign these days and serves as the best way to interact with your potential customers and clients.

Measure your progress

A real SEO campaign requires constant maintenance and measurement of its progress. The only option to ensure that the targets are duly met is through measuring your blog’s progress. The monthly progress charts or reports are the best options for long term SEO campaigns.
Last but not least, any SEO campaign is not only about SEO in general. You need to find where you are and where you wish to go. Then, you need to give attention to social media as well as local SEO in order to maintain your rankings among your competitors. But at the end, your main aim should always be to offer high quality content and information to your target audience and keep them happy. All this will ultimately lead to running a successful and beneficial SEO campaign for your new blog or site