The last movie she edited was Inglorious Basterds. I remember seeing the scene from Inglorious Basterds where Hans orders strudel and says to wait for the creme. It's an abrupt cut to Hans than the close up of the strudel creme back and forth. It was a jarring and kinda in your face edit but I thought it was magnificent. It's hard to put it in words but the edit feels off rhythm but in rhythm with kind of feel that it's amazing. Even previous movies from Pulp fiction, Reservoir dogs has an offbeat, syncopation kind of feel editing.
I still think Quentin Tarantino's movies are still amazing from Django unchained, hateful eight but the movies editing feels kinda similar with other mainstream movies. They say a good edit is something that you don't notice but I feel it's missing that kind of magic that Sally gave from her edit.